Beulah's Youth Ministry
Beulah's Youth Ministry meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30 AM. The junior youth is for students in middle school (6th - 8th grades) and the senior youth is for high school students (9th - 12th grades). Our youth are energetic, talented, and very active in the life of Beulah - whether singing on Sunday mornings, reading the Scripture during services, preparing breakfast on 5th Sundays, or setting up for events such as the semi-annual yard sale fundraiser, these young people show the love of Christ in many ways!
The youth engage in Bible study, fun, and fellowship each week. They frequently go on road trips to local attractions, Christian concerts, and Youth conferences.
The youth of Beulah are involved in several missions both locally and throughout the state. Salkehatchie Summer Service is one of the highlights of the year. Our youth, ages 14 and older, go on an in-state mission trip to help rebuild homes and assist our brothers and sisters in Christ with basic needs. The youth also participate in projects such as the MCEC Earth Day roadside cleanup, the Souper Bowl of Caring, volunteering at Restore Hope, and collecting canned goods for the Blessing Boxes at the church and Restore Hope.
The youth engage in Bible study, fun, and fellowship each week. They frequently go on road trips to local attractions, Christian concerts, and Youth conferences.
The youth of Beulah are involved in several missions both locally and throughout the state. Salkehatchie Summer Service is one of the highlights of the year. Our youth, ages 14 and older, go on an in-state mission trip to help rebuild homes and assist our brothers and sisters in Christ with basic needs. The youth also participate in projects such as the MCEC Earth Day roadside cleanup, the Souper Bowl of Caring, volunteering at Restore Hope, and collecting canned goods for the Blessing Boxes at the church and Restore Hope.
Emergency Medical Form
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