I was scared half to death. I had my eye on her for quite some time, but unlike my brother who was a Casanova: brash, smooth, and cool; I tended to lean more to the awkward, halting, and when the occasion presented itself, cold sweat side of things.
Whereas Mike could glide in and out of the presence of the gentler sex with ease and panache, I tended to keep to myself. When I encountered a girl, any girl for that matter, my mind tended to go into the fetal position and hide under a table somewhere. I could talk; but there was a perceptible tremor in my voice, and my old nemesis, stuttering, would often raise its stammering head only making ma-matters worse. Suffice it to say, if there was one part per million of estrogen in the atmosphere, I generally made a fool of myself. But she was special, so special that I overcame my fear; and trust me, I had plenty. I’ll tell you, it took a herculean effort on my part for me to pick up the phone and invite her to the State Fair, but on the fourth try, I did. After I finally got the request out of my mouth, the crazy girl said “Yes.” Much to my surprise, I remained conscious long enough to make the arrangements. I don’t remember anything after I hung up. So the day came around, and to the fair we went. Mary and I and my brother Mike and a little girl named Kay. I couldn’t drive yet, but Mike could. To say I was unsure of myself is a laughable understatement. I was terrified. Terrified I would say something or do something wrong, or not do something or not say something right and blow the whole deal. For one of the few times in my life, I swallowed my pride, and I asked my brother for advice. He said, “Just be yourself and watch me.” Well, I was fifteen at the time and didn’t have the foggiest idea who I was yet, but I did watch carefully. We had to park way down in Olympia that afternoon, so we all had to walk a mile or so to get to the front gate. As Mary and I walked behind Mike and Kay, Mike took Kay’s hand; I took the cue and reached for Mary’s hand while Mary reached for mine. Now while Kay didn’t reciprocate, you know the mitten hand hold, Mary gave my hand a squeeze and interlaced her fingers with mine. That did it for me. I was eternally smitten, and my path was set in stone. It was twilight when Mary and I walked by the Tilt-a-Whirl and I noticed Mary gave a little shiver. I took my old worn-out and in turn favorite army coat off my shoulders, and laid it across hers, and it would appear that did it for her. Later that night when two terrified young’uns’ shared a good night kiss the deed was done. The deal was sealed. We were hitched at the heart never to part this side of Heaven or on the other side, if I figure correctly. God is good all the time. Now why in Heaven’s name did the Lord want me to open up about this miraculous and marvelous time in my life? You see it was kind of private, but the request was rather direct. I lay down in the hammock for a little nap on Saturday afternoon and said to the Lord, “I don’t know what you have for me this month but you better hurry. If you’ve got something on your mind please let me wake up with it on my mind as well.” When I woke up, there it was, and I have given it to you; but why? Well, the best I can figure the Lord simply wanted to remind me and, in turn you, of the many undeserved gifts that He imparts upon His children. Some of the gifts are small and transient in nature and others are grandiose and affect your life in ways never imagined, seldom appreciated, and often delightful. The Lord has gifted me in this life in ways that boggle my mind, knowing how callous I have often been toward His love. That delicate hand with fingers interlaced with mine is the greatest I have received, save the underserved grace of God, both of which have affected my life in ways never imagined, seldom appreciated, and often delightful. My challenge to you is to slow down long enough to recognize the gifts of God in your life. Take the time to appreciate them, great and small. Take the time to appreciate the God who loves you enough to bless you in such marvelous ways. Take the time. Love, Pastor Tony
AuthorTony Rowell Archives
December 2024
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